Nag Panchami is a distinctive festival celebrated by Hindus in India. Numerous devotees worship the Nag Devta by offering milk. It is a traditional festival and holds immense importance for the worshipers of Lord Shiva. Nag Panchami in 2021 is also one of the most auspicious Panchami of the Sharvan Mahina.
Folks in North India believe that any Puja they shall do to please the snakes would directly reach the Nag Devta. Thus, devotees worship snakes on the day as a representative of Nag Deva.
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Date and shubh tithi
Nag Panchmi in 2021 will be celebrated in Shravan month on the Panchami Tithi. Specifically, in the Shukla Paksha, i.e., the fifth day of the waxing Moon of the moon cycle is the Nag Panchami. The date for Nag Panchami in 2021 is August 13.
Furthermore, with the help of our astrologers, we have got you the most auspicious or Shubh Tithi for Nag Panchami. So, the best Muhurat for Nag Panchami in 2021 will be from August 12, 3:24 PM to August 13, 1:42 PM. Not just this, the Shubh muhurat for Puja is from 5:49 AM to 8:28 AM on August 13, 2021.
Also Read: List Of All The Shubh Muhurats In August 2021
Puja vidhi for Nag Panchami
The Puja vidhi starts by reciting the Mantra. And, to worship Nag Devta, there are many intense and soulful mantras. However, the most powerful and the easiest one you can recite on Nag Panchami 2021 is:
“Sarva nagaah paryantam mey yey kechit Prithvi thaley,
yey cha helimarichistha yentarey divi samstithah
yey nadeesha mahanaga ye saraswati gaaminah,
yey, cha vape tadagashu teshu sarveshu vai Namah.”
Devotees must follow the following method of doing your Puja reciting the Mantra at the same time:
- The ladies must gather together and do the rituals. And, the very first thing to do so is offering milk to the idols and images of deity present.
- Then to the same, either turmeric paste or vermillion is put. And along with it, incense sticks are also lit.
- After that, certain offerings are offered to the deity-like sweets, fruits, and others.
- You can also include other stuff like pulses, camphor, sprouts, and flowers.
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Along with it, there are some things you must keep in mind while doing the Puja on Nag Panchami in 2021. And, they are:
- You must avoid eating any sorts of fried items if keeping the vrat of Nag Panchami 2021.
- Plus, for the Puja, remember to use either boiled or steamed food.
- Also, if you are into farming, then you must avoid land tilling on 2021 Nag Panchami.
Also Read: Satyanarayan Puja- significance and rituals
Benefits of Nag Panchami
Nag Panchami holds remarkable observance due to its connection with snakes. Therefore, it holds a wide range of benefits it grants to the devotees. Have a look at them:
- It grants healthy wellbeing and long life to the husbands of the women who keep fasts or pray to the deity on Nag Panchami.
- Plus, it revokes the effects of the Kaal Sarpa Dosha in your Kundali or natal chart, if present.
You may get yours checked by having a little chit-chat with our elite astrologers.
- Nag Panchami Vrat and Puja directly settle down the down effects of the Rahu and Ketu. These shadow planets settle and don’t bother you in your life.
- Also, if you fear snakes or see some in your dreams, keep Vrat of 2021 Nag Panchami. It will help you get rid of awful snakes’ fear or visions.
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