The Art Of Palm Reading: What To Look For (Continued)

The Art Of Palm Reading: What To Look For (Continued)

Date Published:
June 11th, 2010


So, now the reader has your palm in his or her hand. What’s he going to say? What will she find? What the heck are they looking at and what does it all mean?

Depending on the palm reader there are three or four major lines that need to be examined. When we talk about “major” lines, these are the really big lines on your hands – the ones that everyone can see. We’re also going to examine the minor lines. These are smaller lines on the hands, some which you can probably see but aren’t sure what you’re looking and probably don’t know what they are saying.

While each line tells us about a different aspect of ourselves (our health, our passion) the art of palm reading is more than just looking at the line and seeing how long at it. An experienced palm reader will also look at how strong each line is. He or she will look at how the line curves, how many branches there are, what lines intersect with each other, as well as how long they are. All of the details make up one small part of the whole palm reading.

The lifeline is the line most people are interested in. If you look at your left hand, it’s the line that starts about halfway between your thumb and index finger, and curves down toward your wrist. While there are some palm readers who believe that the length of the line tells you how long you will live, many modern palm readers believe the lifeline reveals more about a person’s general well being.  It lets the palm reader know about your energy, strength and vigor. The lifeline will also show things like injury and illness.

The headline is slightly above the lifeline. It also starts between your thumb and index finger (slightly above the lifeline) and runs across your palm to the outer edge. Just as the name states, it’s about your head! Specifically, your intelligence, but not necessarily how smart you are. It tells the palm reader about your beliefs, philosophies, and how your mind works. It can also tell the palm reader if you’re more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical).

The heart line is the line above the headline. It starts at the top of your palm, slightly below your fingers, usually between your index and middle finger then runs all the way to the outer edge of your palm. It deals with matters of the heart, physical and mental. While it will reveal how you do with romantic relations, it may also indicate how you deal with emotional situations and may also show the palm reader any physical problems with your heart.

The fate line is the fourth of the major lines – though not all palm readers believe the fate line is a major line. It usually starts at the center of the wrist and runs straight up toward the middle finger. The fate line reveals information about our life path: what successes we can achieve and what obstacles we might face.

Then there are the minor lines: opposition, intuition, influence and escape.

The line of opposition can be found on the side of the palm toward the outer edge. It can tell us about the forces in our life that oppose us and that we need to face and deal with.

The line of intuition is also on the outer part of the palm and tells the reader how sensitive you are.

The line of escape is near the bottom of the thumb. It reveals how likely you are to face or ignore your problems.

The line of influence is also found at the bottom of the thumb. Palm readers look to see what it connects to, as this reveals what events in your life have had a significant influence on you.

Finally, we come to the mounts of the hand.  These are found at the base of each finger   and each reveals something different about us.

  • Mount of Jupiter: found at the bottom of the index finger. Related to our ambition and drive to achieve things.
  • Mount of Saturn: found at the bottom of the middle finger. Related to our wisdom and balance.
  • Mount of Apollo: found at the bottom of the ring finger. Related to our happiness and success.
  • Mount of Mercury: found at the bottom of the pinky finger. Related to our rational decision-making.
  • Mount of Venus: found at the bottom of the thumb. Related to our love, sympathy and passion.
  • Mount of the Moon: found below the Mount of Mercury. Related to our imagination.
  • Plain of Mars: the rest of the palm. Related to our courage and bravery.

That’s it! Pretty much everything you need to know to start to understand palm reading. So, take a peak and see what your palms are trying to tell you, but remember, it’s important to seek out an experienced and professional palm reader to help you interpret what the lines are saying.

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